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صور: العثور على مخلوق ديناصوري حي يسمى سلحفاة التمساح العضاضة

بواسطة: صور: العثور على مخلوق ديناصوري حي يسمى سلحفاة التمساح العضاضة مزمز 2
صور: العثور على مخلوق ديناصوري حي يسمى سلحفاة التمساح العضاضة

Pic shows: The giant turtle that was going to be cooked, but finally it escaped. Russian social media users are getting excited over this dinosaur-like creature found recently in a local river. With a shell covered in spikes and a bizarre-shaped the creature which one picture is being held up by its tail quickly sparked heated debate over exactly what it was. It was posted online Anastasia Steshina with the comment: "When we saw it, we did not even realize that it was a turtle. It reminded us of a dinosaur." And now the bizarre creature has been identified as a giant turtle normally found in the warm waters of the American south-east, although exactly how it turned up alive on the banks of a river in the Russian Far East is a mystery. Its official name is the alligator snapping turtle – which is the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world – and it was found alongside the Amur River, the world's 10th longest, near the Leninskoye settlement. Pictures of the animal, which has powerful jaws, pointy ridges down its shell, and rough ridged skin like an alligator, were at first branded fake, until a video also appeared showing how local people were trying to make the turtle swim back into the river. Speaking at the beginning of the clip, a woman is heard saying: "Releasing the beast into the wild." A man then carries the turtle closer to the river and then splashes it with water before trying to push it in with his boots. The woman filming the video responds by telling him: "Don’t! Look it doesn’t understand yet what's going on." The man then carries the animal closer to the water and then adds: "We will put it close to the water, so it will understand faster." Finally the turtle goes to the water and swims away. Anastasia Steshina, who also made the video, said: "It was caught by my fisherman friend. When I got the call I immediately rushed to watch and take pics. "I have never seen such a thing before and neither have my friends. We talked to the loca

للوهلة الأولى يبدو ها المخلوق وكأنه ديناصور عاش منذ ملايين السنين، ولكنه في الواقع “سلحفاة التمساح العضاضة”، التي عُثر عليها في روسيا لأول مرة، على الرغم من أن موطنها الأصلي هو أمريكا الشمالية.
وكانت أناستازيا ستيشينا عثرت على هذه السلحفاة على شاطئ نهر أمور بأقصى شرق روسيا، وبسبب قوقعتها الغريبة وفمها الذي يشبه المنقار، بالإضافة لذيلها، اعتقدت المرأة إنها مخلوق ديناصوري، أبعد ما يكون عن السلحفاة، بحسب ما أوردت صحيفة “ديلي ميل” البريطانية.
ونشرت ستيشينا صورة المخلوق الغامض على وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية، وعلقت عليها “عندما رأينا هذا المخلوق، لم نكن نعلم إنها مجرد سلحفاة، لقد ذكرنا شكلها بالديناصورات”، إلا أن الخبراء تعرفوا عليها باعتبارها “سلحفاة التمساح العضاضة”، أكبر سلحفاة مياه عذبة في العالم.
وأثارت الصورة الكثير من ردود الأفعال على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، وشكك الكثيرون في مصداقية الخبر،  وكيف تمكنت هذه السلحفاة من قطع كل هذه المسافة من جنوب شرق أمريكا إلى روسيا، حتى ظهر شريط فيديو يظهر السكان المحليين يعيدون السلحفاة مرة أخرى إلى النهر.
ويذكر أن سلحفاة التمساح العضاضة من أكبر أنواع السلاحف في العالم، وغالبا ما يشار إليها باسم “ديناصور السلاحف”، وتنمو قوقعتها عادة إلى 66 سنتيمترا، بينما تزن 80 كيلوغراما، وعادة ما يتم العثور عليها حصرا في الأنهار والبحيرات بجنوب شرق الولايات المتحدة، وتقضي معظم حياتها في الماء.

Pic shows: The giant turtle that was going to be cooked, but finally it escaped. Russian social media users are getting excited over this dinosaur-like creature found recently in a local river. With a shell covered in spikes and a bizarre-shaped the creature which one picture is being held up by its tail quickly sparked heated debate over exactly what it was. It was posted online Anastasia Steshina with the comment: "When we saw it, we did not even realize that it was a turtle. It reminded us of a dinosaur." And now the bizarre creature has been identified as a giant turtle normally found in the warm waters of the American south-east, although exactly how it turned up alive on the banks of a river in the Russian Far East is a mystery. Its official name is the alligator snapping turtle – which is the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world – and it was found alongside the Amur River, the world's 10th longest, near the Leninskoye settlement. Pictures of the animal, which has powerful jaws, pointy ridges down its shell, and rough ridged skin like an alligator, were at first branded fake, until a video also appeared showing how local people were trying to make the turtle swim back into the river. Speaking at the beginning of the clip, a woman is heard saying: "Releasing the beast into the wild." A man then carries the turtle closer to the river and then splashes it with water before trying to push it in with his boots. The woman filming the video responds by telling him: "Don’t! Look it doesn’t understand yet what's going on." The man then carries the animal closer to the water and then adds: "We will put it close to the water, so it will understand faster." Finally the turtle goes to the water and swims away. Anastasia Steshina, who also made the video, said: "It was caught by my fisherman friend. When I got the call I immediately rushed to watch and take pics. "I have never seen such a thing before and neither have my friends. We talked to the loca

Pic shows: The giant turtle that was going to be cooked, but finally it escaped. Russian social media users are getting excited over this dinosaur-like creature found recently in a local river. With a shell covered in spikes and a bizarre-shaped the creature which one picture is being held up by its tail quickly sparked heated debate over exactly what it was. It was posted online Anastasia Steshina with the comment: "When we saw it, we did not even realize that it was a turtle. It reminded us of a dinosaur." And now the bizarre creature has been identified as a giant turtle normally found in the warm waters of the American south-east, although exactly how it turned up alive on the banks of a river in the Russian Far East is a mystery. Its official name is the alligator snapping turtle – which is the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world – and it was found alongside the Amur River, the world's 10th longest, near the Leninskoye settlement. Pictures of the animal, which has powerful jaws, pointy ridges down its shell, and rough ridged skin like an alligator, were at first branded fake, until a video also appeared showing how local people were trying to make the turtle swim back into the river. Speaking at the beginning of the clip, a woman is heard saying: "Releasing the beast into the wild." A man then carries the turtle closer to the river and then splashes it with water before trying to push it in with his boots. The woman filming the video responds by telling him: "Don’t! Look it doesn’t understand yet what's going on." The man then carries the animal closer to the water and then adds: "We will put it close to the water, so it will understand faster." Finally the turtle goes to the water and swims away. Anastasia Steshina, who also made the video, said: "It was caught by my fisherman friend. When I got the call I immediately rushed to watch and take pics. "I have never seen such a thing before and neither have my friends. We talked to the loca

Pic shows: The giant turtle that was going to be cooked, but finally it escaped. Russian social media users are getting excited over this dinosaur-like creature found recently in a local river. With a shell covered in spikes and a bizarre-shaped the creature which one picture is being held up by its tail quickly sparked heated debate over exactly what it was. It was posted online Anastasia Steshina with the comment: "When we saw it, we did not even realize that it was a turtle. It reminded us of a dinosaur." And now the bizarre creature has been identified as a giant turtle normally found in the warm waters of the American south-east, although exactly how it turned up alive on the banks of a river in the Russian Far East is a mystery. Its official name is the alligator snapping turtle – which is the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world – and it was found alongside the Amur River, the world's 10th longest, near the Leninskoye settlement. Pictures of the animal, which has powerful jaws, pointy ridges down its shell, and rough ridged skin like an alligator, were at first branded fake, until a video also appeared showing how local people were trying to make the turtle swim back into the river. Speaking at the beginning of the clip, a woman is heard saying: "Releasing the beast into the wild." A man then carries the turtle closer to the river and then splashes it with water before trying to push it in with his boots. The woman filming the video responds by telling him: "Don’t! Look it doesn’t understand yet what's going on." The man then carries the animal closer to the water and then adds: "We will put it close to the water, so it will understand faster." Finally the turtle goes to the water and swims away. Anastasia Steshina, who also made the video, said: "It was caught by my fisherman friend. When I got the call I immediately rushed to watch and take pics. "I have never seen such a thing before and neither have my friends. We talked to the loca

Pic shows: The giant turtle that was going to be cooked, but finally it escaped. Russian social media users are getting excited over this dinosaur-like creature found recently in a local river. With a shell covered in spikes and a bizarre-shaped the creature which one picture is being held up by its tail quickly sparked heated debate over exactly what it was. It was posted online Anastasia Steshina with the comment: "When we saw it, we did not even realize that it was a turtle. It reminded us of a dinosaur." And now the bizarre creature has been identified as a giant turtle normally found in the warm waters of the American south-east, although exactly how it turned up alive on the banks of a river in the Russian Far East is a mystery. Its official name is the alligator snapping turtle – which is the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world – and it was found alongside the Amur River, the world's 10th longest, near the Leninskoye settlement. Pictures of the animal, which has powerful jaws, pointy ridges down its shell, and rough ridged skin like an alligator, were at first branded fake, until a video also appeared showing how local people were trying to make the turtle swim back into the river. Speaking at the beginning of the clip, a woman is heard saying: "Releasing the beast into the wild." A man then carries the turtle closer to the river and then splashes it with water before trying to push it in with his boots. The woman filming the video responds by telling him: "Don’t! Look it doesn’t understand yet what's going on." The man then carries the animal closer to the water and then adds: "We will put it close to the water, so it will understand faster." Finally the turtle goes to the water and swims away. Anastasia Steshina, who also made the video, said: "It was caught by my fisherman friend. When I got the call I immediately rushed to watch and take pics. "I have never seen such a thing before and neither have my friends. We talked to the loca

Pic shows: The giant turtle that was going to be cooked, but finally it escaped. Russian social media users are getting excited over this dinosaur-like creature found recently in a local river. With a shell covered in spikes and a bizarre-shaped the creature which one picture is being held up by its tail quickly sparked heated debate over exactly what it was. It was posted online Anastasia Steshina with the comment: "When we saw it, we did not even realize that it was a turtle. It reminded us of a dinosaur." And now the bizarre creature has been identified as a giant turtle normally found in the warm waters of the American south-east, although exactly how it turned up alive on the banks of a river in the Russian Far East is a mystery. Its official name is the alligator snapping turtle – which is the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world – and it was found alongside the Amur River, the world's 10th longest, near the Leninskoye settlement. Pictures of the animal, which has powerful jaws, pointy ridges down its shell, and rough ridged skin like an alligator, were at first branded fake, until a video also appeared showing how local people were trying to make the turtle swim back into the river. Speaking at the beginning of the clip, a woman is heard saying: "Releasing the beast into the wild." A man then carries the turtle closer to the river and then splashes it with water before trying to push it in with his boots. The woman filming the video responds by telling him: "Don’t! Look it doesn’t understand yet what's going on." The man then carries the animal closer to the water and then adds: "We will put it close to the water, so it will understand faster." Finally the turtle goes to the water and swims away. Anastasia Steshina, who also made the video, said: "It was caught by my fisherman friend. When I got the call I immediately rushed to watch and take pics. "I have never seen such a thing before and neither have my friends. We talked to the loca

Pic shows: The giant turtle that was going to be cooked, but finally it escaped. Russian social media users are getting excited over this dinosaur-like creature found recently in a local river. With a shell covered in spikes and a bizarre-shaped the creature which one picture is being held up by its tail quickly sparked heated debate over exactly what it was. It was posted online Anastasia Steshina with the comment: "When we saw it, we did not even realize that it was a turtle. It reminded us of a dinosaur." And now the bizarre creature has been identified as a giant turtle normally found in the warm waters of the American south-east, although exactly how it turned up alive on the banks of a river in the Russian Far East is a mystery. Its official name is the alligator snapping turtle – which is the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world – and it was found alongside the Amur River, the world's 10th longest, near the Leninskoye settlement. Pictures of the animal, which has powerful jaws, pointy ridges down its shell, and rough ridged skin like an alligator, were at first branded fake, until a video also appeared showing how local people were trying to make the turtle swim back into the river. Speaking at the beginning of the clip, a woman is heard saying: "Releasing the beast into the wild." A man then carries the turtle closer to the river and then splashes it with water before trying to push it in with his boots. The woman filming the video responds by telling him: "Don’t! Look it doesn’t understand yet what's going on." The man then carries the animal closer to the water and then adds: "We will put it close to the water, so it will understand faster." Finally the turtle goes to the water and swims away. Anastasia Steshina, who also made the video, said: "It was caught by my fisherman friend. When I got the call I immediately rushed to watch and take pics. "I have never seen such a thing before and neither have my friends. We talked to the loca

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